Biblical and theological studies news

Youth directors and their youth groups are invited to NWC's campus to hear from Andrew Root, a former Young Life staffer who specializes in youth outreach and gang prevention.

Religion professor Dr. John Vonder Bruegge has recently published a book, “Mapping Galilee in Josephus, Luke and John: Critical Geography and the Construction of an Ancient Space.”

Northwestern College hires nine new faculty
Nine new faculty members are joining Northwestern College this fall.

Northwestern College announces faculty promotions and tenurings
Five members of Northwestern College’s faculty have been awarded tenure or promoted for the 2016–17 school year.

Northwestern professors published in academic journal
Four Northwestern College professors have published essays in the May/June issue of Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought.

Northwestern College students will head to Greece and Great Britain this summer as part of two study abroad programs offered by the college’s global education office.

The Rev. Dr. Trygve Johnson and his wife, Dr. Kristen Deede Johnson, will speak during Northwestern College’s chapel service on Tuesday, April 5, at 11:05 a.m. in Christ Chapel.

The Rev. Dr. Jerry Sittser, professor of theology at Whitworth University in Spokane, Wash., will speak during Northwestern College’s chapel service April 8.

Northwestern College religion professor Dr. Michael Andres presented a workshop at the L’Abri Fellowship conference on Feb. 12.

Northwestern College will celebrate its annual Day of Learning in Community, themed “Science and Faith,” on Wednesday, Feb. 10.
