Professor Cambria Kaltwasser teaching a student.

Youth ministry/Christian education

Northwestern is a great place to grow closer to God and figure out what God is calling you to do. Students interested in Christian education, discipleship and youth ministry can lead a Bible study on campus or volunteer for an Orange City church or other ministry organization.

Internships and field experience

As a Christian education/youth ministry student, you’ll be required to get practical experience in a church as part of your major. Your adviser will help place you in a church under the supervision of a professional Christian education director or youth pastor. Both your field experience supervisor and your professor will mentor you through the internship.

Campus ministry

NWC’s exemplary campus ministry program offers all students numerous opportunities to explore ministry, including:

  • Discipleship Groups for students who want to gather, discuss, question and seek answers for how their faith intersects with what they’re learning
  • Campus ministries like the Justice & Service Team, Project Serve and more
  • Spring Service Partnerships (SSP) and Summer of Service (SOS), which enable students to travel across the U.S. and around the world to volunteer at churches, youth camps and more