Clubs and organizations
College is a time to explore. During our fall Involvement Fair, student leaders provide information and solicit new membership for around 50 different student clubs and organizations. Northwestern truly offers something for everyone—because if you can’t find a student club, organization or effort that interests you, we encourage you to start your own!
If you’re a leader—or want to become one—step up. As you chair a club, lead a mission team or serve on student government, you’ll be mentored by faculty and staff excited to see you become a next-generation standout.
- Actuarial Science Club
- Business Club
- Future Generations of Agriculture Club
- Northwestern Investment Club
- Nurses Christian Fellowship
- Pre-Health Professions Club
- Psi Chi (psychology honor fraternity)
- RedEd Club
- Social Work Club
- SPPOTS (Society of Pre-Physical and Occupational Therapy Students)
- Bridge Scholars
- Intercultural Club
- Intercultural Connection Interns
- La Mosaic multicultural student club
- Alpha
- Discipleship groups
- First-Generation Raiders
- International Justice Mission
- Justice + Service Team
- Pax Christi
- Spring Service Partnerships
- Summer of Service
- The Table commuter Bible study
- Worship leadership
- A cappella Choir
- Chamber ensembles (brass, percussion, strings, woodwind)
- Drama Ministries Ensemble (touring theatre)
- Heritage Singers
- Jazz Band
- Orchestra
- Raider pep band
- Symphonic Band
- Theatre production ensemble
- Women’s Choir
- Student Government Association
- Beacon (student newspaper)
- Black V (improvisational theatre team)
- Crafternoon (craft club)
- Dance Marathon
- Stand Together (mental health club)
- Student Activities Council
- The Honey Spot (baking club)
- Women in Leadership
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- Intercollegiate athletics
- Intramurals
- Basketball (3-on-3 and 5-on-5)
- Chess
- Flag football
- Foosball
- Kickball
- Pickleball
- Ping pong
- Pool (8-ball)
- Racquetball (singles and doubles)
- Slow-pitch softball
- Soccer (indoor)
- Spike ball
- Volleyball (court and sand)
- Wallyball
- Yard games