Heritage Society
The Heritage Society is composed of individuals who have made a planned gift to NWC. These donors recognize both the importance of providing for the college’s long-range needs and the advantages gained by including Northwestern in their estate planning.
Only those persons who have made one of the following types of planned gifts to Northwestern College are eligible for membership in the Heritage Society:
- A specific provision by will or revocable living trust
- Creation of a charitable remainder trust
- Creation of a charitable lead trust
- Purchase of a charitable gift annuity
- Assignment of life insurance or retirement plan proceeds
To become a member of the Heritage Society, simply tell us of your interest. We can provide you with information about making a planned gift to Northwestern.
If you already have a planned giving arrangement that names Northwestern as a recipient of money or property, we would appreciate knowing about it. We want to thank our donors and acknowledge you properly. While Northwestern may be one of your beneficiaries, unless your planned gift originated with Northwestern, we may not be aware of it, as only you have the authority to inform us of your intentions.
Once we know you have made a planned gift to Northwestern, you automatically become a member of the Heritage Society and are invited to our annual Legacy Celebration Banquet. We honor requests to remain anonymous in our listing of Heritage Society members.
Corky Koerselman
Director of Gift Planning