Students working with clay

Vision for Learning

As members of a Christian academic community rooted in the wisdom of the Bible, we at Northwestern College view learning as worship, using our minds to better understand, serve and love God's world. We are committed to participating in God's redemptive work, and we seek to respond to God's call to share the gospel, care for creation and serve Christ in everyone. In keeping with this commitment, we intend Northwestern graduates to be persons who:

Trust, love and worship God

Northwestern graduates understand learning is an act of worship. They trust that all truth is God’s truth, which frees them to pursue any academic inquiry. They strive to love what God loves, valuing diverse people, cultures and ideas.

Engage ideas

Northwestern graduates are lifelong learners who listen, read, question and evaluate. They add their voices to the wider conversation through disciplined and imaginative speech, writing, art and performance.

Connect knowledge and experience

Northwestern graduates notice and nurture connections between individual courses and across whole disciplines of study—between their college learning and preparation for not only fulfilling careers but also faithful lives.

Respond to God’s call

Northwestern graduates explore and discover their gifts—and then use them in service to God, humanity and creation.
