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Jeff Barker, professor of theatre and speech, has recently been active in speaking about ancient Israelite dramas.
Dr. Mike Avery, assistant professor of business and economics, presented papers at two conferences in Chicago recently.
Dr. Diana Gonzalez and Piet Koene, members of the Spanish faculty, presented papers at the North American Christian Foreign Language Association conference March 29 to 31 at Asbury College in Wilmore, Ky.
Eight nursing students will formalize their commitment to practice Christ-centered nursing during the department’s first annual Christian Commitment to Professional Nursing Ceremony, to be held April 21.
Elizabeth Grim, a Northwestern senior from Huxley, Iowa, will compete with scenic designers from across the nation at the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival April 16–21 in Washington, D.C.
Psychology major to present research at conference
Candace Gross, a senior psychology major from Parker, S.D., will speak at the national conference of the American Educational Research Association in Chicago April 9–13.
Dr. Joonna Trapp, associate professor of English, spoke at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication in New York March 21–24.
Dr. Michael Andres, associate professor of religion, spoke at the regional meeting of the American Academy of Religion in Omaha March 23–24.
Northwestern to offer three new communications majors
Majors in cinema and digital video, journalism, and public relations will replace the general communication studies major.
SIFE team begins microfinancing program in Nicaragua
A Northwestern Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) team is piloting a new microfinancing program in Bluefields, Nicaragua, providing opportunity to low-income entrepreneurs who have no access to regular financing.