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Edman to speak at psychology teachers' conference
Dr. Laird Edman will be one of the keynote speakers at the Iowa Teachers of Psychology annual conference in Pella on Nov. 10.
Northwestern English professors and students presented a break-out session, "Sharing the Stories of our Neighbors," at the annual conference of the Iowa Council of Teachers of English and Language Arts.
Northwestern students volunteer with political campaigns
Four Northwestern students are working on political campaigns this fall as part of their enrollment in a political science course at the college. Taught by Dr. Jeff VanDerWerff, "Electoral Politics Field Experience" includes discussion of the students' experiences as campaign volunteers, as well as reading assignments and discussion of books by Thomas Patterson and Henri Houwen.
Daily presents paper at International Conference on the Book
Dan Daily, director of Ramaker Library, presented a paper at the fourth International Conference on the Book in Boston on Oct. 21.
Northwestern has been named to the first President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll in recognition of its efforts to serve Gulf Coast communities devastated by Hurricane Katrina.
Many stained glass windows from the Playhouse are available for bidding in preparation for the building's razing.
Northwestern students to attend National Science Teacher Association regional conference
Seven Northwestern education students will join Derek Brower, a member of the college's education department faculty, at the National Science Teacher Association regional conference in Omaha, Neb., Oct. 19-21.
Northwestern's fall Board of Trustees meeting, Oct. 9–10, was focused on discussions about the college’s strategic plan that is currently under development.
Brower attends conference for science teachers
Derek Brower, a member of Northwestern's education department faculty, attended a regional conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education, held in Eau Claire, Wis., Oct. 5-7.
Dr. Bruce Murphy, Northwestern's president since January 2001, announced to the Board of Trustees that he will retire from the presidency upon the conclusion of a search for his successor.