Music news
Northwestern College’s A cappella Choir will perform in the Minnesota communities of Marshall, Rochester, Harmony and Preston March 30 through April 2.
Northwestern College’s Symphonic Band will perform its touring concert in Christ Chapel on Friday, March 17, at 7:30 p.m.
Northwestern College’s Symphonic Band will perform in churches and schools in in Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania March 5–13.
Cantus, one of the nation’s premier men’s vocal ensembles, will perform a concert at Northwestern College on Saturday, Feb. 18, at 7:30 p.m. in Christ Chapel.
Twenty-five Northwestern College academic programs are listed in the 2017 edition of Rugg’s Recommendations on the Colleges.
Internationally renowned opera star Simon Estes will perform during a Northwestern College chapel service on Tuesday, Feb. 14, at 11:05 a.m. in Christ Chapel
A recording of Northwestern College’s 2016 Christmas Vespers service will be aired twice this holiday season on public radio station KWIT, FM 90.3 in Sioux City, Iowa.
Northwestern College Heritage Singers to present madrigal dinners
The Northwestern College Heritage Singers will present madrigal dinners Jan. 27 and 28 at 7 p.m. in the Allen Theatre.
Northwestern chamber ensembles to present concert
Northwestern College chamber ensembles will present a concert Friday, Dec. 9, at 7 p.m. in Christ Chapel.
Northwestern musicians perform in Iowa Intercollegiate Honor Band
Ten members of the Northwestern College Symphonic Band recently performed in the 100-member Iowa Intercollegiate Honor Band.