Music news

Northwestern College’s A cappella Choir will perform its touring concert in Christ Chapel on Friday, March 16, at 7:30 p.m.

Northwestern College’s A cappella Choir will perform in five states during the college’s spring break, March 3–12.

Twenty-four Northwestern College academic programs are listed in the 2018 edition of Rugg’s Recommendations on the Colleges, a national guidebook that recommends specific college departments to prospective students.

Northwestern College’s Symphonic Band will present a movie-themed concert, “Lights, Camera, Action!” on Friday, Feb. 16, at 7:30 p.m. in Christ Chapel.

Northwestern College’s Symphonic Band has been selected as the state’s only small-college band to perform at the Iowa Bandmasters Association conference this coming May in Des Moines.

Northwestern College will grant sabbaticals to two of its professors during the 2018–19 academic year. Dr. Juyeon Kang, professor of music, was awarded a yearlong sabbatical; Dr. Sara Sybesma Tolsma, professor of biology, will spend the spring 2019 semester on sabbatical.

Dan Laaveg, a 2007 graduate of Northwestern College who is pursuing a doctorate in organ performance at the University of Iowa, will present a guest recital on Friday, Jan. 19, at 7:30 p.m. in Christ Chapel.

Northwestern College chamber ensembles will present a concert Friday, Dec. 8, at 7:30 p.m. in Christ Chapel.

The Northwestern College music department will present its annual Christmas Vespers service on Saturday, Dec. 2, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 3, at 3 p.m. in Christ Chapel.

Corky Koerselman, instructor in music and director of alumni and parent relations at Northwestern College, will direct three honor choirs in November.
