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Twenty-two students from Northwestern will spend their summer on short-term mission experiences as members of the college’s Summer of Service team.
Four groups of Northwestern students will travel and study overseas this summer. Each trip is connected with a class that has a different academic focus and is led by NWC faculty members.
NWC appoints alumnus to new fund-raising position
Jason Schrock of Bellflower, Calif., has been appointed by Northwestern to serve in the newly created role of regional development director.
Patti Thayer, director of academic support, has been named the 2006 recipient of the college’s Staff Recognition for Inspirational Service Award.
Fifteen longtime Northwestern employees were honored at the college’s Spring Recognition Banquet on April 20.
Four NWC history majors spoke at the 41st annual Student History Conference, sponsored by the Phi Alpha Theta history honors society at the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, on April 20.
Turnwall lobbies for National Writing Project funding
Barb Turnwall, assistant professor of English, joined educators from 40 states in Washington, D.C., on April 7 to promote continued funding for the National Writing Project and local and regional writing projects.
Northwestern students serving as translators for hospital open house
Six Northwestern students will serve as translators when Orange City Health System holds an open house for its new hospital and clinic.
Biology faculty and students to present research
Two Northwestern biology professors and five students will present results of their research at the annual meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science in Storm Lake April 21–22.
Michael Andres, a member of Northwestern's religion faculty since 1998, has earned his doctoral degree and been promoted to associate professor.