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Barbara Turnwall, assistant professor of English, received the Iowa Writing Project's Star Thrower Award at a recent meeting.
Exhibitions to feature work by senior art majors
Three senior art majors will display their work during March and April in Te Paske Gallery.
Professor's piano composition performed in San Francisco
A composition by Dr. Luke Dahn, assistant professor of music, was performed Feb. 12 at a San Francisco concert sponsored by Composers Inc.
More than 200 students, faculty and staff from Northwestern will travel across the U.S. and around the world for the college’s annual Spring Service Projects March 1 through 10.
Northwestern's A cappella Choir will tour in the eastern United States Feb. 29 through March 11.
Northwestern’s touring theatre company will perform ancient Israelite dramas from the Old Testament in the western United States during the college’s spring break, March 1–11.
The Rev. John Carrick, British director of Middle East Christian Outreach, will speak in chapel on Feb. 25.
The Corporation for National and Community Service has named Northwestern to the 2007 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. Northwestern, which was honored for the second consecutive year, is among only 10 chosen from Iowa.
Professor presents paper at C.S. Lewis conference
Dr. Randy Jensen, a Northwestern philosophy professor, presented a paper at “C.S. Lewis, the Inklings, and the Call to Christian Community,” a conference held at Azusa Pacific University in Azusa, Calif.
Dr. Kathryn Greene-McCreight, author of "Darkness is My Only Companion: A Christian Response to Mental Illness,"
will be a guest speaker at Northwestern Feb. 18 and 19.