
The teacher education program at Northwestern College commits itself to a Christ-centered holistic development of teachers called to serve Christ and society in diverse classroom settings. The model for the program is "Teacher as Servant." The goal is to serve you as students in the name of Jesus Christ with the expectation that you, too, will seek to offer yourselves in Christian service as you teach others. In order to serve effectively as teachers, you need a well-formed, whole educational experience. Northwestern emphasizes this wholeness in its liberal arts program by stressing intellectual, physical, spiritual/moral and social/emotional wholeness. Within this context, the teacher education program believes that effective teaching results from foundational knowledge of the profession along with knowledge and skills in learning, teaching and reflection. This body of knowledge and performances, in conjunction with the college's emphasis on teaching the whole person and developing intercultural competencies, is put into practice in diverse pre-teaching opportunities that you experience in and outside of the P-12 classroom.

A major in education designed for those individuals interested in becoming high school or middle school teachers. The secondary education major cannot be taken alone, but will require the completion of one of these academic majors: art, biology, business education, chemistry, English teaching, history, mathematics, music, physical education, physics education, psychology, social studies teaching, or Spanish.

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EDU 102 - Foundations of Education
(2 credits) This course provides philosophical, historical, social and economical foundational background for students considering the teaching profession. Note: This course includes a field experience. Students must earn a C- or better in order to fulfill program requirements for elementary licensure.
EDU 202 - Early Field Experience
(1 credit) This course requires 30 clock-hours of field experience with a certified teacher in an area school. Prerequisite: EDU102. (Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis.)
EDU 206 - Survey of Exceptional Individuals
(3 credits) This course provides an overview of the history of special education up to and including present day trends and practices in education students with exceptionalities. Various areas of exceptionality are explored, including ways to support students with diverse learning and behavioral needs in inclusionary environments. Note: This course includes a field experience. Students must earn a C- or better in order to fulfill program requirements for elementary licensure.
EDU 227 - Instructional Technology
(2 credits) This course enables students to develop proficiency with a variety of technologies available for classroom instruction. It also provides insights and tools that would apply to 1:1 classrooms, flipped classrooms and online learning. Most of the coursework is based as students demonstrate basic working knowledge of various tools and equipment.
EDU 304 - Educational Psychology
(2 credits) The application of psychological principles to the learner, the learning process and the learning situation. This course not only explores learning theories that impact education today, but also has an emphasis on developing appropriate motivation techniques, creating developmentally appropriate and productive learning environments, developing classroom management, as well as developing authentic and appropriate evaluation and assessment. Prerequisites: EDU102, and PSY221SS or 224.
EDU 307WI - General Methods in Secondary Education
(3 credits) (Writing intensive) The principles and methods of teaching at the secondary level, including lesson plans, teaching skills, reading in the content area, classroom management, evaluation and school law. Prerequisite: sophomore class standing and admission to the teacher education program. Note: This course includes a field experience. Students must earn a "C" or better in this course in order to fulfill program requirements for secondary licensure.
EDU 315 - Behavior Management and Classroom Instruction
(2 credits) This course is designed to provide an overview of various models for classroom and behavior management. The course will emphasize both theoretical and practical dimensions of behavior and social concerns. Note: This course includes a 10 hour field experience. Prerequisite: EDU206.
EDU 340CC - Human Relations
(3 credits) This course addresses major issues and concepts associated with living in a culturally diverse society and/or teaching in culturally diverse settings. Students will consider ways in which ethnicity, gender/sexuality, social class, and religion intersect and influence beliefs and behaviors. Note: This course includes field experience.
EDU 347 - Reading in the Content Area
No course description available.
EDU 409SR - Philosophy of Education
(2 credits) The liberally educated Christian teacher is the knowledgeable servant of God and society and this course examines the reasoning behind policies and methods of teaching, learning and schooling. Various schools of thought are discussed, including a distinctively Christian perspective, to prepare students to serve as professional teachers. This course is the NWCore course for education students. Note: Advised to be taken the term before student teaching.
EDU 415 - Secondary Student Teaching
(4-16 credits) This experience will include the observation, engagement and instruction of a secondary classroom for 4-16 weeks while under the supervision of a licensed, qualified teacher. Exact number of weeks/credits required will be determined by student teacher coordinator and department chair. Candidates will draw from and develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions in planning, instruction, assessment and professionalism learned and assessed throughout the secondary education program. Candidates are expected to model "Teacher as Servant" throughout the experience by serving God and society in diverse classroom settings. Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis. Successful completion of student teaching is a necessary step towards licensure; a passing grade for student teaching does not guarantee licensure recommendation from department.
Choose one course (must have methods course in each endorsed subject area):
ART 308 - Methods of Teaching Secondary Art
(2 credits, alternate years, consult department) The content, techniques and media for teaching art at the secondary education level. This course requires a 30-hour practicum and is required of each candidate seeking an endorsement in this content area. Notes: Does not count toward an art major or minor.
BUS 308 - Methods of Teaching Secondary Business
(3 credits, alternate years, consult department) This course is the study of the content, techniques, materials and theory for teaching business at the secondary level. This course requires a 30-hour practicum and is required of each candidate seeking an endorsement in this content area. Notes: Does not count toward a major or minor in business education, business administration, accounting or economics.
ENG 308x - Methods of Teaching Secondary English and Speech
(3 credits, alternate years, consult department) Students will study and practice methods for teaching English and speech in middle school and high school. Pre-service teachers will examine national standards for English/Language Arts and develop their pedagogy for teaching writing, literature, speaking, and listening. This course requires a 30-hour practicum. Prerequisites: EDU102 and ENG250LC. EDU 307 is strongly recommended. Note: Does not count toward an English major or minor. Cross-Referenced: Cross-referenced in theatre/speech.
KIN 318 - Methods of Secondary Physical Education and Health
(3 credits, alternate years, consult department) The methods of teaching physical education and health at the secondary level, emphasizing curriculum theory, instructional pedagogy, and practical applications. This course requires a 30-hour practicum and is required of each candidate seeking an endorsement in this content area. Prerequisites: KIN202 and KIN206. Notes: Students must earn a "C" or better in the special methods course in order to fulfill program requirements for secondary licensure.
SPA 308 - Methods of Teaching Secondary Foreign Language
(4 credits; alternate years, consult department) Study of the methods and approaches most commonly used in K-12 foreign language teaching. Discussion of recent research and methodology in child and adolescent foreign language acquisition. This course requires a 30-hour practicum and is required of each candidate seeking an endorsement in this content area. Prerequisite: SPA202 or equivalent proficiency. Notes: Does not count toward the Spanish major or minor.
MAT 308 - Methods of Teaching Secondary School Mathematics
(3 credits, alternate years, consult department) Content, techniques and materials for teaching mathematics at the secondary or junior high level. This course requires a 30-hour practicum and is required of each candidate seeking an endorsement in this content area. Prerequisite: junior or senior class standing. Notes: This course does not count toward a major or minor in mathematics.
MUS 310 - Secondary Music Methods
(4 credits; alternate years, consult department) This course deals primarily with philosophy, techniques, literature and materials used in teaching instrumental and vocal music at the secondary levels. Activities include the study of educational music philosophy, organization of various music ensembles, discussion of rehearsal procedures, classroom environment, and professional responsibilities. The class will understand criteria for evaluating quality music and will learn how to select level-appropriate literature.
NSC 308 - Methods of Teaching Secondary Natural Science
(3 credits, alternate years, consult department) A study of the techniques and materials for teaching natural science at the secondary school level (for biology and chemistry majors). This course requires a 30-hour practicum and is required of each candidate seeking an endorsement in this content area. Prerequisite: upperclassman. Notes: Credit does not count toward the major or minor. See course offerings under biology, chemistry and physics.
SSC 308 - Methods of Teaching Secondary Social Science
(3 credits, alternate years, consult department) The content, technique and materials for teaching social science at the secondary level (for economic, history, political science, social science and sociology majors). This course requires a 30-hour practicum and is required of each candidate seeking an endorsement in this content area. Note: Does not count toward a major or minor in economics, history, political science or sociology.
Choose one course:
PSY 221SS - Developmental Psychology: Childhood
(4 credits ) (NWCore option under Self and Society) This course explores the development of the child from the prenatal period into adolescence. Children's physical, cognitive, emotional, personality, social, moral and faith development is examined. Psychological research methods for studying children are covered.
PSY 224 - Developmental Psychology: Adolescence
(4 credits) Adolescents experience many changes in a few short years as they transition from childhood to adulthood. This course explores the major psychological issues and theories in adolescent development with emphasis on cognitive development, self-concept, peer relationships and sexuality, among others.

Total credits required: 41
