Artful worship
Northwestern's worship arts curriculum will prepare you to be a worship leader or member of a worship leadership team at a church or para-church organization. You'll learn to create moving, theologically sound church worship that stimulates the multiple senses of diverse worshipers and engages them in transcendent, transformative worship experiences.
As a worship arts major, you will learn to ...
- VALUE and explain the history of each element of Christian worship in the life of the local church.
- ENVISION and craft a series of worship services for a particular congregation or body of worshipers.
- ARTICULATE clearly and communicate effectively about worship and during worship.
- EQUIP and empower other worship leaders and worshipers.
- SYNTHESIZE the artistry of corporate worship in service of a single story.
- ASSESS the planning, fulfillment and impact of a past worship service to inform future worship services.
- REFINE worship through taking calculated risks and growing from both success and failure.