Music news
Northwestern's Symphonic Band will perform a concert on Friday, Nov. 11, at 7:30 p.m. in Christ Chapel.
Northwestern students Rachel Plockmeyer and Simon Campbell will perform a vocal recital on Nov. 6, at 3 p.m. in Christ Chapel.
Violinist Wolfgang David and pianist David Gompper will present a recital at Northwestern on Oct. 28.
Dr. Juyeon Kang, associate professor of music, will present a faculty piano recital on Oct. 22.
Northwestern College junior Meghan Schuster of Yankton, S.D., will perform a clarinet recital on Sunday, Oct. 23.
The Northwestern College music department will present a concert for Homecoming and Family Weekend on Saturday, Oct. 1.
Afrizo, a music ensemble from Daystar University in Nairobi, Kenya, will perform in Christ Chapel at 7:30 p.m.on Friday, Sept. 23.
Electric violinist Tracy Silverman will present a concert in Christ Chapel on Friday, Oct. 7, at 7:30 p.m.
The Dakota Baroque and Classic Company, will present a concert in Northwestern's Christ Chapel on Tuesday, Sept. 13.
Dr. Heather Josselyn-Cranson, associate professor of music and director of music ministries, has won second prize in the a hymn-writing contest.