Math courses
MAT100 - Mathematics Lab
(1 credit) Mathematics Lab provides instruction in and practice with the tools of basic algebra and will include time each class period for students to work on concepts from their QR courses (when taken as a corequisite) or on ALEKS tutorials (when taken as a prerequisite). The lab engages students in essential skills through mini-lessons and workshop activities. Mathematics lab may be taken as a QR corequisite only if the student earns an ALEKS score between 30 and 45 prior to or during the first week of class.
Note: Required for (and restricted to) students who have NOT placed into a QR course by earning an ALEKS placement score of 46 or above, an ACT math score of 20 or above, or an SAT math score of 510 or above. Also: Some QR courses have stronger prerequisites than MAT100 or the equivalent exam scores listed here.
MAT105QR - Topics in Contemporary Mathematics
(3 credits) (NWCore option under Quantitative Reasoning) This course will explore a variety of mathematical topics arising in today's technological society and include a historical component of mathematical developments. Possible topics include exposure to both symbolic and verbal logic, set notation, statistics, and finance. A primary goal will be to introduce, view, and gain a deeper appreciation for a broad panorama of mathematical fields and how each field has been utilized to help shape today's culture. Prerequisite: ACT math score of 20 or above (SAT 510 or above), ALEKS placement exam score of 46 or above, or concurrent enrollment in MAT100.
MAT107QR - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
(3 credits) (NWCore option under Quantitative Reasoning) MAT107QR is a study of the topics necessary and helpful for competent and enthusiastic teaching of mathematics in the elementary school. The course topics include numbers and operations, number bases, fractions, decimals, ratio, measurement, geometry, number theory, data analysis, and probability. The goal of the course is to develop conceptual understanding of these topics through the 5 process standards proposed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics: problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representations as well as the Standards for Mathematical Content and Practice from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. While not used exclusively, this course emphasizes inquiry-based activities that will help you to analyze and understand children's ways of thinking, effective communication of mathematical ideas, and use of appropriate manipulatives and technology for teaching. Course enrollment is limited to Education majors and does not count toward a math major or math minor. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ACT math score of 20 or above (SAT 510 or above), ALEKS placement exam score of 46 or above, concurrent enrollment in MAT100, or grade of C- or better in MAT100 (taken concurrently with MAT127 in a prior semester).
Note: Course enrollment is limited to elementary education majors only and does not count toward a math major or minor.
MAT109QR - College Algebra
(3 credits) (NWCore option under Quantitative Reasoning) This course covers algebraic material prerequisite to middle school mathematics teaching and to the study of calculus. Topics include a thorough study of functions (linear, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic, as well as combinations of functions through addition/subtraction, multiplication/division, and composition), inverse functions, solving equations and systems of equations, matrices, and conic sections. Prerequisite: ACT math score of 20 or above (SAT 510 or above), ALEKS placement exam score of 46 or above, or concurrent enrollment in MAT100.
MAT111QR - Calculus for Management, Life and Social Sciences
(3 credits) (NWCore option under Quantitative Reasoning) This course is a study of functions, limits, derivatives and integrals with an emphasis on techniques and applications in business, biology, health, and social sciences.
Prerequisites: C- or higher in MAT109QR, or an ACT math score of at least 22 (SAT 550 or above), or permission of mathematics department chair.
Note: Meets four times per week.
MAT112QR - Calculus I
(4 credits) (NWCore option under Quantitative Reasoning) This course is a study of functions, limits, derivatives and integrals with a strong emphasis on both theory and applications. Prerequisites: C- or higher in MAT109, or an ACT math score of at least 24 (SAT 570 or above), or permission of mathematics department chair.
Note: Meets four times per week.
MAT116QR - Statistics for the Natural and Social Sciences
(3 credits) (NWCore option under Quantitative Reasoning) This course is designed to introduce topics in probability and statistics with an emphasis on problems in the sciences. We will study discrete and continuous distributions, estimation and hypothesis testing, p-values, correlation, and simple linear regression. There will be three main sections in this course, examining descriptive statistics (the nature of data and how to summarize it), basic probability concepts (the mathematical study of uncertainty), and inferential statistics (making claims or decisions based on one or more sets of data). Prerequisite: ACT math score of 20 or above (SAT 510 or above), ALEKS placement exam score of 46 or above, concurrent enrollment in MAT100, or permission of instructor.
Note: Students may receive credit for only one course among MAT116QR, MAT117QR and MAT208QR.
MAT117QR - Applied Statistics for Management
(3 credits) (NWCore option under Quantitative Reasoning) The course is designed to study statistical methodology commonly used in business including descriptive statistics (the nature of data and how to summarize it), basic probability concepts, and inferential statistics (making claims or decisions from one or more sets of data using
confidence intervals and multiple types of hypothesis testing). Prerequisite: ACT math score of 20 or above (SAT 510 or above), ALEKS placement exam score of 46 or above, concurrent enrollment in MAT100, or permission of instructor.
Note: Students may receive credit for only one course among MAT 116QR, MAT 117QR and MAT 208QR.
MAT127 - Patterns, Functions and Algebra for Elementary Teachers
(3 credits) MAT127 is designed to help you understand and teach the aspects of algebra that are highly relevant to elementary and middle school classrooms. Throughout the course, topics are explored through rich problems and
investigations, enabling you to deepen your conceptual understanding of algebraic concepts and to enhance your pedagogical practices. Course discussions, activities, projects, and explorations will focus on the following topics:
*Problem Solving
*Solving Equations
*Patterns & Sequences
*Representing Functional Relationships
*Quadratic Functions
*Exponential Functions
*Properties of Numbers and Operations
*Algebraic Proof.
Prerequisite: ACT math score of 20 or above (SAT 510 or above), ALEKS placement exam score of 46 or above, concurrent enrollment in MAT100, or grade of C- or better in MAT100 (taken concurrently with MAT107QR in a prior semester).
Note: This course is limited to elementary education majors only. Does not count toward a math major or minor.
MAT180WI - Logic and Discrete Mathematics
(3 credits) (Writing intensive) An introduction to the language and logic of mathematical proof via topics in discrete mathematics. Topics will include logic, elementary number theory, basic set theory and methods of mathematical proof (direct proof, indirect proof, induction). Prerequisite: C- or better in MAT 112QR or permission of instructor.
Note: Other topics will be chosen from counting, functions, relations, recursion and graph theory.
MAT200 - Introduction to Engineering and Design
(3 credits) An introduction to the engineering profession and design. This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of engineering design and analysis through involvement in solving problems in a project team approach as well as individual study/lab sessions. The course will also cover engineering from the perspective of the Christian faith, and the importance of mathematics and communication. A review of basic math necessary for continued success in the engineering program is included.
Prerequisite: Satisfaction fo math preparatory requirements.
MAT208QR - Biostatistics
(4 credits) (NWCore option under Quantitative Reasoning) This course is a study of statistical methodology commonly used in the biological and health sciences. Material includes basic descriptive methods in statistics, foundational concepts in probability, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests involving one or two samples, correlation and regression including multiple regression, contingency tables, and ANOVA. Students will also complete a substantial project. Prerequisite: ACT math score of 20 or above (SAT 510 or above), ALEKS placement exam score of 46 or above, or concurrent enrollment in MAT100.
Note: Students may receive credit for only one course among MAT116QR, MAT117QR and MAT208QR.
MAT211 - Calculus II
(4 credits) A study of transcendental functions, techniques of integration, improper integration, sequences, series, polar coordinates and conic sections. Prerequisite: C- or better in MAT112QR or permission of instructor.
Note: Meets four times per week.
MAT212 - Calculus III
(4 credits) A study of the cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems, vectors in two dimensions and three dimensions, vector valued functions, functions of several variables, multiple integration, and vector calculus. Prerequisite: C- or better in MAT211 or permission of instructor.
Note: Meets four days per week.
MAT270 - Introduction to Data Science
(2 credits; alternate years, consult department) This course builds on and extends student skills in gaining insights from
data with special emphasis on analysis and interpretation. Prerequisites: CSC170 and MAT116QR.
MAT308 - Methods of Teaching Secondary School Mathematics
(3 credits, alternate years, consult department) Content, techniques and materials for teaching mathematics at the
secondary or junior high level. This course requires a 30-hour practicum and is required of each candidate seeking an
endorsement in this content area. Prerequisite: junior or senior class standing.
Notes: This course does not count toward a major or minor in mathematics.
MAT312 - Differential Equations
(3 credits) A study of the elementary theory, methods of solution, and applications of differential equations, which may include topics such as first order ordinary differential equations, linear equations with constant coefficients, series solutions, variation of parameters, Laplace Transforms, linear systems, partial differential equations, and Fourier Series. Prerequisite: C- or better in MAT211 or permission of department chair.
MAT316 - Probability and Statistics I
(3 credits, alternate years, consult department) A post-calculus course in probability and statistics, which develops the theory of discrete and continuous distributions, expected value, random variables and inferential statistics. Prerequisites: C- or better in MAT116QR or 117QR, 208QR, and MAT112QR or permission of instructor.
MAT317 - Linear Algebra
(3 credits) A study of the algebra of matrices and vector spaces including matrix operations, systems of equations, determinants, properties of real vector spaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Prerequisite: C- or better in MAT112QR and MAT180 or permission of instructor.
MAT325 - Topics in the History of Mathematics
(3 credits, alternate years, consult department) In this course, students will gain an appreciation for the development of mathematical thought through exploration of some of the fascinating and critical ideas in the history of mathematics. Topics include historical proofs of results students have encountered in previous mathematical study; along with some results, which will be new. Prerequisites: MAT180WI and MAT211.
MAT330 - Data Validation
(3 credits; alternate years, consult department) A course building student skills in working with large data sets gathered
from real-world studies and experiments. Students will learn and experience best practices for data-type, range, constraint, code, cross-reference, structured, and textual validation. Prerequisites: CSC170 and one of the following: MAT116QR, MAT117QR, MAT208QR or PSY215.
MAT375 - Econometrics with Regression Analysis
(4 credits) This course, which is required for finance, economics, and actuarial science majors, is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of econometric analysis. To this end, the primary focus is on simple and multiple linear
regressions using cross-sectional data and time series regressions. We will also discuss highly useful extensions including regression with binary dependent variables, and regression analysis using panel data if time. The course will put a heavy emphasis on empirical applications; econometric theory will be discussed where necessary but will not be the central focus. Instead, we focus on estimating regression models using statistical packages such as R, SPSS, or Stata, and on interpreting the results. Both estimation and interpretation are highly marketable skills. The coverage of this course will be sufficient for SVEE Applied Statistics (SOA) and useful for CFA exams. More broadly, what you learn from this course will be valuable for a career in consulting, banking, insurance, and other related fields. Prerequisite: C- or better in MAT112QR and in MAT116QR or MAT117QR.
Cross-Referenced: Cross-referenced in economics.
MAT385 - Advanced Regression Analysis
(3 credits; alternate years, consult department) A course building on simple and multiple linear regression analysis to
introduce multivariate analysis, logistic regression, moderation, matric formulation, residual analysis, transformations, regression diagnostics, multicollinearity, and variable selection techniques. Prerequisite: MAT375.
MAT398 - Directed Study
(2-4 credits)
MAT411 - College Geometry
(3 credits, alternate years, consult department) A study of topics in Euclidean geometry as well as axiomatic systems, non- Euclidean geometry, and projective geometry. Prerequisite: C- or better in MAT180WI or permission of instructor.
MAT412 - Real Analysis
(3 credits, alternate years, consult department) A study of real-value functions including such topics as continuity, sequences and series, differentiation and integration. Students will also be introduced to the concept of a general metric space. Prerequisite: C- or better in MAT180WI and MAT211, or permission of instructor.
MAT416 - Probability and Statistics II
(3 credits, alternate years, consult department) A continuation of Probability and Statistics I. Emphasis will be placed on functions of random variables and sampling distributions. Prerequisite: MAT316.
MAT417 - Internship
(2 credits may apply toward the major)
MAT419 - Introduction to Abstract Algebra
(3 credits, alternate years, consult department) A study of groups, normal groups and factor groups, Cayley's Theorem, rings, ideals, homo-morphisms, integral domains, fields, polynomial rings, field extensions and zeros of polynomials. Prerequisite: C- or better in MAT317 or permission of instructor.
MAT420 - Actuarial Exam Review
(1 credit) This course is a comprehensive review of all materials for SOA/CAS exams. The course is tailored to the specific exam the student is planning on taking. Prerequisite: permission of chair of department.
Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis. Course may be repeated.
MAT425 - Advanced Topics in Mathematics
(3 credits, offered as needed) This course will explore in more depth some of the mathematics that has been introduced in earlier courses. Topics will vary depending on the interests of students and faculty, but include complex analysis, graph theory and combinatorics, math modeling, number theory, topology, and measure theory. Prerequisites: MAT180WI, 212, and 317; or permission of instructor.
MAT430 - Actuarial Modeling: Life Contingent Risk Models
(3 credits, alternate years, consult department) This course is an introduction to the study of contingent payment models. Topics include: economics of insurance, individual risk models, survival distributions and life tables, benefit reserves, multiple life functions, multiple decrement models and introductory loss models. Prerequisite: MAT316, with co-requisite MAT416.
MAT431 - Actuarial Modeling: Loss Models
(3 credits; alternate years, consult department) This course concentrates on loss models. Topics include: frequency and
severity, aggregate loss models, discrete and continuous time ruin models, construction of empirical models, parameter estimation, and model selection. Prerequisite: MAT316, with co-requisite MAT416.
MAT435 - Bayesian Analysis
(3 credits; alternate years, consult department) An introduction to Bayesian statistical modeling and inference and related
computational strategies and algorithms, including posterior and predictive inference; Bayesian models in applications; methods of prior elicitation; and computation, visualization, and analysis of real-world data. Prerequisites: MAT116QR and MAT180WI.
MAT445 - Statistical Design
(3 credits; alternate years, consult department) A course focusing on the theory and objectives critical to the design and
implementation of sound statistical experiments and surveys, including survey and experimental methods. Emphasis on sampling techniques, instrument design, reliability and validity. Prerequisite: CSC170QR, MAT112QR and MAT116QR or MAT117QR.
MAT450SR - Mathematical Minds
(3 credits) This course will provide you with a survey of some of the fascinating and critical ideas in mathematics, including historical proofs of some results which are familiar to you through your previous mathematical study as well as some results which will be new to you. We will also spend a significant amount of time discussing connections between mathematics and the Christian faith, and we'll take a look into the background of the mathematically and scientifically significant number 0, which has had its own theological issues. And you'll explore the contributions of the various parts of your college experience to the goals of the NWCore program and your progress in establishing personal commitments and a sense of vocation. Prerequisites: C- or better in MAT211 or permission of instructor.