Students in class talking with a professor

Volunteer opportunities

Northwestern's exemplar campus ministry program offers all students numerous opportunities to volunteer both on campus, in the community and throughout the world.

Serve all semester

Students can join or lead a number of volunteer efforts based on campus, including:

  • Justice & Service Team
  • Project Serve

Short-term missions

Students can experience short-term missions through a 10-day Spring Service Project (SSP) or 10-week Summer of Service (SOS).

  • Spring Service Partnerships during the college’s March spring break send more than 200 students, faculty and staff in teams to serve in the U.S. and overseas. SSP teams build and repair homes, tutor at youth centers, live with residents in homeless shelters and more.
  • Summer of Service supports around 20 students who serve individually all over the world for 6 to 10 weeks. SOSers have traveled to countries like Croatia, India, Jamaica, Malawi, Russia, South Africa and Thailand to volunteer in hospitals, orphanages and refugee camps.