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Dr. Ellen Davis, professor of Bible and practical theology at Duke Divinity School, will speak at Northwestern Oct. 1 and 2.
Northwestern College Theatre Patrons’ annual membership drive is under way.
Dr. Eugenio Zapata, assistant professor of music at Mount Marty College, will perform a piano recital at NWC on Sept. 29.
Community invited to student center open house
Community members are invited to an open house event in Northwestern College’s redesigned and renovated Rowenhorst Student Center on Sept. 28.
Northwestern invites community members, trustees, faculty, staff, alumni and students to a farewell event for President Bruce Murphy and his wife, Dr. Di Murphy, on Oct. 8.
Homecoming to include celebration of 125th anniversary
Northwestern will celebrate its 125th anniversary during Homecoming 2007, Oct. 5–7. Along with Homecoming favorites, the weekend’s activities will include a special anniversary program and dance Saturday evening.
Northwestern’s nursing and admissions departments will host three nursing mini-camps for high school juniors and seniors interested in careers in nursing.
Presidential finalist to visit NWC Sept. 9-11
Greg Christy, vice president for institutional advancement at Dakota Wesleyan University, will meet with various constituencies as the recommended finalist for Northwestern's presidency.
Northwestern senior Aynsley Mihm of Rochester, Minn., will perform a student harp recital on Sept. 16.
The first semester-long study abroad program operated by Northwestern is under way, with seven students participating in the Romania Semester.