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Dr. Mike Yoder, a sociology professor at Northwestern, drew from his Mennonite background for an article published in Christian Higher Education.
Northwestern’s computer programming team will be among 103 teams competing in the Association for Computing Machinery International Collegiate Programming Contest’s world finals Feb. 1–6 in Harbin, China.
A Brett Favre jersey, Flip Video camcorder, and northern Minnesota vacation are among the items currently available for bid online and at the Northwestern College Alumni Association’s 27th annual Gala Auction on Saturday, Feb. 20.
Theatre company to perform at worship symposium
Northwestern College theatre’s touring company will perform Old Testament stories, scripted verbatim from the Bible, at the Calvin Symposium on Worship in Grand Rapids, Mich., Jan. 28–30.
The 42-voice Northwestern College Women’s Choir, under the direction of Dr. Linell Gray Moss, will sing at the Cathedral of the Epiphany in Sioux City for 5 p.m. Mass on Sunday, Jan. 31.
Images by Orange City photographer Tom Becker will be on display Jan. 13 through Feb. 4 in Te Paske Gallery.
Eighteen academic programs are listed in the 2010 Rugg’s Recommendations on the Colleges.
High school students invited to explore teaching careers at NWC
High school juniors and seniors interested in a career in teaching are invited to Northwestern College's Education Preview Day on Jan. 24–25.
NWC team to serve in New Orleans over Christmas break
Ten Northwestern students, faculty and staff will spend Jan. 2–9 on a service project in New Orleans.
Students to attend Urbana missions conference
Twenty-four NWC students will attend Urbana ’09, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s 22nd student missions conference, Dec. 27–31.