President of HOPE International to speak at Northwestern

Peter GreerPeter Greer, president and CEO of HOPE International, will speak in Northwestern College’s Christ Chapel at 10:05 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 10.

HOPE International is a Christian microenterprise development organization serving individuals, families and communities in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America. HOPE invests in human potential through loans that enable people living in poverty to afford education, start or expand businesses, and create savings accounts to stabilize and sustain their household incomes.

Before joining HOPE, Greer was a microfinance adviser in Cambodia, technical adviser for a development foundation in Zimbabwe, and managing director of Rwanda’s Urwego Community Bank. He has advocated for the church and Christians to play a larger role in alleviating poverty worldwide in Christianity Today and Forbes magazines as well as on CNN.

Greer is the co-author of several books on mission and leadership, including “Mission Drift: The Unspoken Crisis Facing Leaders, Charities and Churches,” which he wrote with Chris Horst, and “The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good,” co-authored with Anna Haggard. Greer is also an entrepreneur-in-residence at Messiah College. More information about Greer is available at

During his visit to Northwestern, Greer is also speaking at an invitation-only event for church leaders and ministry professionals Thursday evening, hosted by NWC and Orange City residents Anita and Dave Bomgaars who have been involved in microenterprise ministries in developing countries.
