Biology news

Northwestern College junior Ali Almail has been selected to participate in the annual Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts Symposium to be held at Wheaton College May 28 to June 1.

Northwestern's Faculty Honors award, the highest honor bestowed by the faculty, was given to Nnenna Nwaelugo and Matt Scott during the commencement ceremony on May 11.

Northwestern College will award an honorary Doctor of Education degree to Professor Emeritus of Biology Virgil Muilenburg of Orange City during graduation on Saturday, May 11.

A University of Nebraska–Lincoln professor working on a vaccine for the Zika virus will discuss his research during a scientific symposium at Northwestern College.

Northwestern College has joined the University of Iowa and Iowa State as the only higher education institutions in the state with a gene sequencer.

Dr. Jenelle Dunkelberger of Lakeville, Minn., a 2011 Northwestern College alumna, is Northwestern’s nominee for the 2019 Council for Christian Colleges and Universities Young Alumni Award.

For the second year in a row, Northwestern College students taking the Medical College Admission Test scored among the top 25 percent.

Northwestern's new $24.5 million DeWitt Family Science Center was dedicated Sept. 28 as part of Raider Days festivities.

Northwestern College is starting a Master of Science degree in physician assistant studies and expects to enroll the first cohort of up to 30 students in May 2020.

Members of the public are invited to join Northwestern College students, faculty and staff for the dedication of the Jack and Mary DeWitt Family Science Center. An open house will follow the 4 p.m. ceremony on Friday, Sept. 28.
