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Northwestern’s newest art professor, Emily Stokes, will display her work in the Te Paske Gallery Aug. 23 through Sept. 16.

Northwestern College has launched a mobile site, enabling constituents to access a variety of information about the college via smartphones.

Marv DeWitt of Zeeland, Mich., the greatest benefactor in Northwestern College’s history, died Aug. 5 at the age of 92.

Northwestern College is listed among the top 15 percent of the nation’s colleges and universities in the fourth annual America’s Top Colleges ranking by

Northwestern College is again named among the "Best in the Midwest” by the Princeton Review.

Sociology professors present papers
Drs. Scott Monsma and Mike Yoder gave presentations at the Association of Christians Teaching Sociology conference in June.

Barker is writer for best feature at Iowa film festival
Jeff Barker, theatre professor, is credited as a script consultant for "The Frontier Boys," which won best feature at the Iowa Independent Film Festival.

Several area artists will exhibit works in Te Paske Art Gallery on Monday, July 25, as part of Summer Suites 2011, sponsored by the Orange City Arts Council.

The Glee Handbell Choir of Tokyo, Japan, will perform in the DeWitt Theatre Arts Center on Tuesday, July 26, at 7:30 p.m.

Northwestern College invites prospective students and their parents to visit campus during Iowa Private College Week Aug. 1–5.
