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Northwestern College will hold its 18th annual Red Raider Road Race on Saturday, Oct. 1, at 8:30 a.m. as part of Homecoming.
Graduates post high pass rates on board exams
Recent graduates of Northwestern’s athletic training and nursing programs have posted board exam pass rates that exceed national averages.
Completion of a new residence hall and the renovation of the DeWitt Physical Fitness Center top the list of improvements made to Northwestern’s campus this summer.
Five new hires have joined the ranks of Northwestern’s full-time faculty this fall, bringing with them advanced degrees from such institutions as Cal-Berkeley and Notre Dame.
Northwestern’s athletic training education program has received continuing accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education.
Dr. Laird Edman, professor of psychology, was one of 15 scholars invited to participate in a Calvin Summer Seminar on the cognitive science of religion and Christianity.
Dr. Heather Josselyn-Cranson, associate professor of music and director of music ministries, has won second prize in the a hymn-writing contest.
An article co-written by Jennifer Rogers, athletic training program director, has been published.
Northwestern's Barry Brandt has begun a one-year term as president of the NAIA’s Athletic Directors Association.
Four senior science majors spent much of the summer participating in research programs.