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Because of the extreme cold, Northwestern is postponing the first day of classes until Wednesday, Jan. 8.
Jason Taylor, a youth director at Second Reformed Church, Pella, Iowa, will present “An Evening of Hymns and Scriptures” on Saturday, Jan. 11.
"Nature’s Gifts,” an exhibit of artwork by Jeff Baldus of Sioux City, will be on display in Te Paske Gallery Jan. 6–24.
NWC’s public relations office has won two awards in the 2013 Council for Advancement and Support of Education District Six awards competition.
A recording of Northwestern’s 2013 Christmas Vespers service will be aired on public radio station KWIT, FM 90.3 in Sioux City, Iowa.
A new book about the history of Orange City, developed by members of Northwestern's faculty and staff, will be published this spring.
An exhibit of artwork by Northwestern College senior Ann Calsbeek will be on display at the Old Factory Coffee Shop in Orange City Dec. 6–13.
Students from Northwestern and Dordt colleges will display their artwork in the Te Paske Gallery Dec. 2 to 13.
Northwestern College directing students will present 14 short plays on Dec. 4, beginning at 6 p.m., in the DeWitt Theatre Arts Center.
The Northwestern College music department will present its annual Christmas Vespers service on Dec. 7 and 8 in Christ Chapel.