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Ann Vander Kooi Minnick, assistant professor of communications, will present a paper at the Iowa Communication Association conference Sept. 20.
The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education is seeking comments about NWC's nursing program for a reaccreditation review.
Northwestern’s annual Morning on the Green will be held during Raider Days Homecoming and Family Weekend on Saturday, Sept. 28.
Francisco Stork, an acclaimed novelist and Boston attorney, will speak in Northwestern College’s chapel services on Sept. 24 and 25.
Margo Vanderhill, an artist from Alton, Iowa, will display her work in Northwestern College's Te Paske Gallery Sept. 23 through Oct. 18.
Eric McDonald, Kristie (De Boer) Mompremier and Dave and Shirley Van Wechel are the 2013 recipients of the Distinguished Alumni Awards.
Northwestern is raising funds for a facility that will boast an indoor practice and training space for Red Raider student-athletes.
NWC theatre to present "Still Life With Iris"
“Still Life With Iris,” by acclaimed playwright Steven Dietz, will be presented by Northwestern College's theatre department Sept. 27 and 28.
Northwestern is tied for sixth among 99 Midwestern colleges in U.S. News & World Report’s 2014 guidebook.
Acclaimed clarinetist Doreen Ketchens will perform with her jazz band, Doreen’s Jazz New Orleans, on the campus green Sept. 27.