Leandro Costa
Caratinga, Brazil
Leandro Costa

Home base

Despite being more than 5,500 miles from home, Leo is well known across campus for being someone who makes connections easily. In addition to support from his coaches and professors, he has found a home base in the Bridge Center for Intercultural Development and with his Orange City host family. That support is something he gives back as a captain of the men’s tennis team, communications liaison for the Bridge Center, teaching assistant for the Center for Innovation & Leadership, and resident assistant for the Bolks Apartments.

Support for the journey
Having the Bridge Center as a safe place has always been a comforting fact for me. Being gifted with my host family has been a blessing as well—they played a pivotal role in my transition to NWC, and this experience would not be the same without their support. I know that at Northwestern, I won’t ever be alone.

Rewarding experience
Going on a Spring Service Partnership to Baja California Sur, Mexico, was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Besides making incredible memories and creating lasting connections with my team, building a school where kids can safely learn and become their best selves was beyond rewarding. 

Ready for impact
From a young age, I watched my dad negotiate contracts and work with people, and his example has fueled me to become someone who can do meaningful things and be impactful in today’s world. Whether I manage the promotional side of a corporation, run my own business, work for a marketing agency, or coach tennis, I hope to use the relationships I build and the knowledge I’ve acquired to help people solve problems.
