Noah Luna
Omaha, Nebraska
Noah Luna

Thought-full student

The son of a veteran, Noah has witnessed firsthand the mental struggles that can result from military service. His desire to help veterans and their families as a therapist—combined with his interest in how people think—inspired him to pursue a psychology major. When he’s not studying the human brain, Noah is a captain of the Overwatch esports team and leads a discipleship group in his dorm.

The way we think
I really enjoy understanding what it is that makes people tick. Listening to others’ stories and learning what makes them think the way they do has always been interesting to me. While I was still deciding on a major, I discovered that many of the ideas I was having about how and why people think the way they do were things that had already been researched and documented thoroughly. Not long after that realization, I decided to choose psychology as my major.

Rigorous + practical
The greatest strengths of Northwestern’s psychology program are the rigorous academics and research opportunities. Psychology faculty don’t shy away from challenging you, and I find that extremely important because I come out of classes feeling prepared for my future. With the many opportunities to participate in research, students can interact with the field of psychology in a more direct way. This is indispensable experience for those looking toward a career in psychology.

Education partners
The professors in the psychology department are always helpful and ready to listen. They feel like partners in my education, because they are always pointing me toward opportunities that will satisfy my curiosity and help me further engage topics outside of the classroom.
