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Northwestern College junior Ali Almail has been selected to participate in the annual Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts Symposium to be held at Wheaton College May 28 to June 1.
Retiring Spanish instructor Rick Clark became the first three-time recipient of the Northwestern Teaching Excellence Award at commencement on May 11.
Dr. Angela Holt, assistant professor of music, received the Faculty Excellence in Faith and Learning Award at Northwestern's commencement on May 11.
Northwestern's Faculty Honors award, the highest honor bestowed by the faculty, was given to Nnenna Nwaelugo and Matt Scott during the commencement ceremony on May 11.
Three Northwestern College professors have been awarded tenure and promotions, effective this fall.
Nine Northwestern College professors will conduct research and pursue further study this summer with funding from the Northwestern College Scholarship Grants program.
Vonda Post and Janette Reuter are the recipients of Northwestern College’s 2019 inspirational service awards.
Northwestern College will award an honorary Doctor of Education degree to Professor Emeritus of Biology Virgil Muilenburg of Orange City during graduation on Saturday, May 11.
Nineteen Northwestern College students will spend their summers as short-term missionaries through the college’s Summer of Service (SOS) program.
Northwestern College students will travel to the Czech Republic, Greece and Italy this summer as part of three study abroad programs offered by the college’s global education office.