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Jennifer Dukes Lee, author of “Love Idol: Letting Go of Your Need for Approval—and Seeing Yourself Through God’s Eyes,” will speak in chapel Oct. 27.
Northwestern College will host a Nursing Mini-Camp for high school juniors and seniors Thursday, Nov. 20.
Northwestern College’s music department will present its annual Raider Days Concert on Saturday, Oct. 25, at 7 p.m. in Christ Chapel.
Northwestern professors Dr. Derek Brower and Dr. Keith Fynaardt have been awarded sabbatical leaves for research projects.
Northwestern’s annual Morning on the Green, a carnival filled with games and prizes, will be held during Raider Days homecoming weekend.
High school seniors interested in theatre are invited to explore Northwestern's stage during Theatre Preview Days on Nov. 21 and 22.
Nine former Northwestern College athletes will be recognized at the Athletic Recognition Luncheon scheduled for Oct. 25.
Mitch Kinsinger and Lila Sybesma have been appointed by the college's Board of Trustees to endowed professorships.
Northwestern will present three of its alumni with awards recognizing their service during the college’s Raider Days celebration Oct. 25.
Kim Van Es, lecturer in English, will give a presentation at the annual Iowa Council of Teachers of English conference Oct. 9.