Jenny Song
Associate Professor of Business
Jenny Song

Dr. Song teaches in the business and economics department and brings global professional experience to our international business major. She is highly passionate about servant leadership and serves as the associate editor for The International Journal of Servant-Leadership.

Master of many
Dr. Song holds a master’s degree in engineering from Dalian Maritime University, a Master of Divinity degree from George Fox University, and a doctorate in leadership studies from Gonzaga University. She is also a certified project management professional through the Project Management Institute.

Wise professional
Students will often hear stories from her professional life in China. She is experienced with the challenges of supply chain and talent management and can share what it’s like to work with people from all over the world.

Servant leader
Servant leadership is the primary focus of more than half of Dr. Song’s research publications. Her research has explored holistic leadership practice, forgiveness ethos and face management theory. She serves as associate editor for The International Journal of Servant-Leadership and was the first editor of Servant Leadership and Forgiveness: How Leaders Help Heal the Heart of the World, an anthology published by SUNY Press in 2020.

Church elder
Dr. Song’s servant heart extends beyond Northwestern’s campus to the spiritual care of her church family. As an elder, she ministers to the church through prayer and personal visits to those who are hospitalized or in long-term care facilities, as well as ensuring that the church meets needs in the community.

Read Dr. Song’s bio
