Have some cake!

Does your son or daughter have a birthday during the school year? Or is there another special day you’d like to celebrate with homemade cake or cupcakes? The moms, grandmas and aunties of the Northwestern College Auxiliary can help. With a little notice, we’ll take care to make sure your NWC student can celebrate with friends and frosting.


Your $20 donation goes toward money the NWC Auxiliary is raising for general college support.

Order a cake

Please order the cake in the month prior to the student’s birthday month. Please complete the order form and send it with cash or check to:

Amber DenHartog
Student Life Office
101 7th Street SW
Orange City, IA 51041
amber.denhartog@nwciowa.edu  (if you have questions)

Auxillary Contact is Sherry Koerselman
sherri_koerselman@hotmail.com  or 712-539-3017
