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Northwestern marketing projects win awards in national contest
Northwestern College has won four awards in the Higher Education Marketing Report’s 31st annual awards contest.

The Northwestern College A cappella Choir will cap a nine-day tour of Taiwan with a home concert Friday, March 18, at 7:30 p.m. in Christ Chapel.

Northwestern College playwrights present original one-acts
Northwestern College students will present 11 new plays during the 21st annual World Premiere Festival March 19.

Northwestern College’s A cappella Choir will tour and perform in Taiwan during the college’s spring break March 7–13.

The 33rd annual Northwestern College Scholarship Auction raised about $32,000 to help fund Alumni Scholarships for students next year.

Northwestern College is ranked seventh in Christian Universities Online’s 50 Best Christian Colleges and Universities Athletic Programs list for 2016.

Nearly 200 students, faculty and staff from Northwestern College will travel across the United States and overseas for the college’s annual Spring Service Projects March 5–14.

Northwestern College seniors Andrew Minor and Maria Vander Plaats will display their artwork Feb. 29 through March 4 in the college’s Te Paske Gallery.

Northwestern College religion professor Dr. Michael Andres presented a workshop at the L’Abri Fellowship conference on Feb. 12.

The United States Air Force Airlifter Brass will perform a concert in Northwestern’s Christ Chapel on Thursday, Feb. 18, at 11:05 a.m.
