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Northwestern College will present four of its alumni with awards recognizing their accomplishments and service during the college’s Raider Days Homecoming and Parents Weekend.
Dr. Wess Stafford, president emeritus of Compassion International, will speak in Northwestern College’s chapel service on Tuesday, Sept. 25, at 11:05 a.m. in Christ Chapel.
Northwestern College senior psychology major Emily Starr of Firth, Neb., has received a $1,500 2017–18 Undergraduate Research Grant from Psi Chi, the international honor society in psychology.
Northwestern College has hired Dr. Jennifer Schon to fill a new position of associate director of institutional research.
Northwestern College accounting graduates taking the CPA exam for the first time in 2017 recorded the nation’s second-best pass rate among all institutions that had at least 10 candidates.
Northwestern College welcomed seven new full-time faculty members with the start of classes this fall.
A 10-panel exhibit of the Saint John’s Bible will be on display in Northwestern College’s DeWitt Library from Sept. 4 through Oct. 2.
Two Northwestern College professors have been awarded tenure and promotions, effective this fall.
Northwestern College will celebrate Raider Days, the college’s annual Homecoming and Parents Weekend, Sept. 28–29, with reunions, celebratory banquets, and traditions such as the Red Raider Road Race and Morning on the Green carnival as well as athletic events.
Northwestern College provides numerous opportunities for high school students to visit campus during the 2018–19 school year.