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Poet Daniel Bowman Jr. will read from a selection of his work at The Old Factory Coffee Shop in Orange City.
Three NWC students and a professor will present their research at the Iowa Academy of Science’s annual meeting.
Northwestern College’s Symphonic Band will perform a concert on Friday, April 26, at 7:30 p.m. in Christ Chapel.
NWC is seeking art that might be donated, loaned or sold to the college for display in the learning commons.
Northwestern music students to perform recital
Juniors Rebekah and Sarah Stofer and senior Coralyn Kutzner will perform a student recital on April 21.
Seniors Yukiko Higashino and Ashley Wielenga will perform a student recital on April 24 at 7:30 p.m. in Christ Chapel.
Northwestern’s Chamber Orchestra and Women’s Choir will perform a concert on April 19 at 7:30 p.m. in Christ Chapel.
Shelby Vander Molen will compete in the O’Neill Critics Institute at a national theatre festival.
“The Winslow Boy,” a British drama set in pre-World War I London, will be performed April 19, 20 and 24–27.
Jerene DeWitt, one of the greatest benefactors in Northwestern College’s history, passed away on March 26.