Political science professor Dan Young lectures during class.

Earn a bachelor's degree and a law degree in 6 years rather than the standard 7 by enrolling in the 3+3 law degree program offered by Northwestern in partnership with Iowa's Drake University Law School. 

Pursue any major at Northwestern

Students in the 3+3 law degree program may pursue any major at Northwestern College. Courses during your 3 years at Northwestern will consist of those in the Northwestern Core (general education) and your major. Year 4 courses will be law school courses taken at Drake University that fulfill your electives requirements at Northwestern. By the end of year 4, you will have earned a B.A. from Northwestern College. 

Apply to law school in year 3

In your third year at Northwestern, you'll apply to Drake University Law School, and, if accepted, you'll begin law school the following year. Participation in Northwestern's 3+3 law degree track does not guarantee admission to Drake University Law School. 

Law school scholarships

3+3 law degree students who are accepted to Drake U Law School will receive a $5,000 scholarship for each of the three years of their law school studies if appropriate academic requirements are met.

Earn two degrees in 6 years

Your first year at Drake University Law School will also be your fourth year as a Northwestern student; at the end of it, you'll have earned a B.A. from Northwestern College. Two years later, when you complete your law school courses, you'll be awarded J.D. degree from Drake University.
