How to Balance Academics and College Life
College is a wonderful time of freedoms and opportunities coupled with academic challenges and responsibilities. Those who thrive in college graduate with both career-worthy skills and lifelong friends and memories. But without some intentionality, balancing academics and college life can be one of the most challenging things students face. How can you achieve this balance?
Plan + Prioritize
Prioritizing your responsibilities and activities, as well as time for yourself, is key to thriving in college. Take time to determine what requires the most attention and effort, and consider your working style. When do you have the most energy and focus during the day? Make a plan each week for when and how you will accomplish your tasks. Get a planner or create a system for keeping track of your life. Be disciplined to do your classwork before hanging out with friends. Look for time slots in your day when you can study, work or take care of life needs like doing laundry.
Northwestern College’s Compass Center for Career & Calling can assist students in identifying their skills and determining a plan for working toward their goals. Talking through interests, talents and commitments with a career counselor can be instrumental in knowing how best to use your time.
Make Healthy Choices
In order to accomplish your goals, you also need to take care of your mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep, eating healthy foods, and exercising regularly are choices you can make that will enable you to perform well and enjoy life. Be aware of things that are distracting, and avoid them during times you need to focus. (This may mean turning your phone off for a while or studying somewhere other than your room.) And before adding an activity to your calendar, ask yourself, “Will participation in this group or club contribute to something I value or not?” and “Do I have time to add this to my other responsibilities?”
At Northwestern College, we are preparing students for life beyond college. Our dedicated residence life, student life and counseling programs offer many services to help students make positive and healthy choices that will empower them to lead a life of significance and success. Northwestern’s award-winning facilities provide great places for students to study, exercise, worship together and connect with others in activities. We’re committed to helping you make healthy choices that will result in meeting your goals.
Ask for Help
If you’re struggling in a class, don’t wait to get help. Seek assistance from a friend, meet with a tutor in the Peer Learning Center or schedule time with your professor to ask questions and get the help you need. Keeping up with the concepts and work in each class will help you succeed academically and will reduce your overall stress.
Northwestern College’s Peer Learning Center offers more than 180 tutors ready to help students in all areas of study. Our tutors are students who understand and model time management that allows for both academics and social activities. More than 75% of Northwestern students report using the Peer Learning Center at some point during their college years and have found it to be very helpful.
Try New Things
Openness to new experiences and ideas helps us lead a more balanced life. Look for opportunities on campus to interact with those who are different from you. Step out of your comfort zone. Try new activities. Participate in service projects and share your gifts with others. Doing these things will teach you both about yourself and the world. Understanding more about yourself will help you make choices that lead to life balance.
Students at Northwestern College can connect with others and consider new perspectives through Ngage. This program helps students think through the “big questions” of life in a deep and Christ-centered way. Our Bridge Center for Intercultural Development celebrates the diversity in God’s world and connects people with each other and with God. Additionally, our spring and summer short-term mission opportunities enable students to learn from and bless others all over the world.
College is a time of preparation for a career, but also for life. In addition to investing in coursework, take time to grow in your faith, build friendships, discover your gifts and passions, begin a mentoring relationship, and develop lifelong healthy habits. Planning, prioritizing, choosing well and trying new things will help you find balance between academics and other college activities, enabling you to have the time of your life while preparing for the rest of it.