Peer Learning Center

Documenting your disability

If you are an enrolled student seeking accommodations, complete the Student Intake Form.

After submitting the Student Intake Form, you will also need to provide documentation from a licensed or credentialed professional with specific training or expertise related to the diagnosed condition, who has diagnosed or treated you (the student) within the past three years. The documentation should include the following information:

  • A diagnosis of your disability or disabilities
  • Expected duration of the condition and associated limitations
  • The date of the diagnosis and name and credentials of the professional evaluator
  • The tests, criteria and/or processes used to determine your disability
  • Your educational, developmental and medical case history (as appropriate)
  • Your current functional limitations
  • Suggested accommodations

If you have a recent Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan, submit that as well. We allow alternative methods and sources of documentation as long as the essential goal of adequately describing the current impact of your disability is met.

Submit your documentation by mail or email to:

Northwestern College
Accessibility Services Office
Attn: Samantha Winn
101 7th Street SW
Orange City, IA 51041

Reasonable accommodations are individually determined and based not only on documentation but also on information gained from an interview with the student requesting accommodations. Northwestern’s accessibility specialist will examine the functional impact of your disability within the context of the accommodations requested.
