Marshall Kleinhesselink
High School Science Teacher, Sheldon High School, Sheldon, Iowa
Marshall Kleinhesselink

Mr. K

Marshall experienced three key transformations in recent years. While checking out NWC, he went from inquisitive visitor to certain enrollee. As a student, he changed from biology fan to science education major. And since graduation, he has gone from student-athlete to teacher-coach—even acquiring a new name. Meet Mr. K.

Why did you choose Northwestern?
I chose Northwestern because of the outstanding biology department and the Christ-centered education. Meeting the professors on my campus visit helped make my decision; I was confident I would receive a high-quality education. After seeing Northwestern’s new science facilities on a visit, I knew NWC was the place where I would have the best experience in science education. Also, I liked the small campus, smaller class sizes and being close to home.

How did Northwestern’s faculty prepare you for your career?
When I eventually decided I wanted to become a teacher, my professors encouraged me to keep my biology major and add a major in secondary education. Northwestern prepared me well by getting me into a classroom setting right away. During my first practicum, I knew I was preparing for the right career. I appreciated getting experience in multiple settings before entering the profession. This also helped me figure out what areas I am strong in and what I need to improve upon. Northwestern’s knowledgeable professors guided my teaching style and gave me tools I use frequently in my classroom, like the fist-to-five countdown. My biology professors were always open to questions through email or a visit to their office during the day. I appreciated the strength of their faith and how they integrated faith into their lessons.

How did playing on the football team factor into your character and career?
Northwestern football prepared me for my future by teaching me attributes such as discipline, responsibility and how to work with others. Watching Northwestern’s coaching staff and seeing what it takes to have a successful program has been very beneficial for my coaching career. Some of my favorite memories from Northwestern include road trips with the football team.

What do you like best about teaching high school science in Sheldon?
The best part of teaching is seeing students make connections between the curriculum and real-life. I teach general science, physical science, and anatomy and physiology. I enjoy working with a wide range of students. Additionally, I am coaching high school football and track and field.
