Gabriel Andres
Orange City, Iowa
Gabriel Andres

Integrating faith + science

With a passion to learn more about how the physical world, biology and physics work together, Gabriel has found Northwestern’s biophysics and chemistry majors to be a perfect fit. These studies—along with his mathematics minor and his research experiences that have led him to give two presentations at American Physical Society conferences—have prepared Gabriel for grad school and his future career.

Faith in the classroom
My faith going into Northwestern was something I already held very closely. During my time at Northwestern, I’ve learned how to integrate my thinking between different fields—from physics to theology to philosophy.

Positive + powerful
I’ve gained lifelong friends and mentors. There are people here whom I have really come to care about—and vice versa. The people around me at Northwestern have been a powerful force for positive learning in my spiritual, social and academic life.

Multifaceted interests
I’ve always been fascinated by the way the world works and how we can figure out more about it. The physical world is my main passion, but how biology and physics intertwine is also fascinating. So I chose biophysics because it was the field I loved. The biophysics major has many diverse strengths and exposes us to a variety of types of physics and interconnections between disciplines. Northwestern was a good fit for me, as it excels in academics and it was a place where I could also play soccer.
