AJ Zinn
Spencer, Iowa
AJ Zinn

Wordsmith + thespian

As early as elementary school, AJ knew he wanted to be a teacher. His love of reading and writing made an English teaching major an easy choice. AJ is also active in theatre, participating in productions both onstage and off. The Northwestern theatre department has become like a second family for him, and when he isn’t involved with a particular show, he enjoys supporting his performing friends from the audience.

Teacher role models
The professors are the biggest strength of the English and education departments. All the professors I’ve had thus far have stood out to me as very supportive and passionate about what they teach. If I ever have any questions about teaching or the writing process, they are always eager to help and are guiding me to succeed as a future English teacher.

Finding my people
I have grown a lot socially at Northwestern because of the major focus on building a campus community. That was something that, until college, I struggled with because I never felt like I fit in with others. Getting involved in theatre and my department classes have helped me to find my own community of people and to grow in relationships.

Faith festival
One of my favorite memories at Northwestern so far was going to Calvin University’s Festival of Faith and Writing with some of the other students in the English department. This opportunity helped confirm that I am on the right path in pursuing an English teaching degree. I also got to listen to many different authors speak on the importance of writing and faith together, which showed me some different perspectives on life in general.

Life in the theatre
When I saw the theatre building for the first time and met some of the students in the theatre program, I knew instantly I would be spending most of my time there. I try to be as involved as I can, whether that means working onstage, backstage or even just watching the shows they put on. Many of my best friendships have been made thanks to my participation in Northwestern’s theatre program.
