Students to study in Czech Republic
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The course is an examination of Czech “physical culture”—a concept that encompasses fitness and sports but that also links physical vigor with nationalism. Dr. Paul Bartlett, kinesiology, and Vonda Post, business, will guide students in comparing and contrasting various aspects of physical culture in the U.S. and the Czech Republic, including such topics as historical/philosophical development, delivery systems, social issues and economic considerations.
Both Bartlett and Post have extensive travel experience and are teaching the program for the third time since 2009. Students will stay in universities or hostels in Prague and Olomouc while they tour a Czech Olympic training center, visit the famous spa town of Podebrady, and explore the nation’s castles, countryside and villages.
In addition to observing and participating in physical activities, students will journal, conduct interviews, complete a case study with a Czech or European student, and write a final reflective paper.
The Czech study abroad course is worth four credits and fulfills Northwestern’s general education cross-cultural studies requirement.