Northwestern theatre ensemble to perform twice the weekend of March 22-23
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Northwestern College’s Drama Ministries Ensemble (DME) will give two home performances of their touring show the weekend of March 22 and 23.
Both shows will take place in the Allen Black Box Theatre of the DeWitt Theatre Arts Center—one at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, and the other at 2 p.m. on Sunday. Both performances are free and open to the public.
In February, members of the DME attended the Calvin Symposium on Worship in Grand Rapids, Michigan, then performed in two Grand Rapids retirement homes and a church in Kasbeer, Illinois, as they traveled back to Northwestern.
This year’s DME show is centered around Jesus’ parables, recorded in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, about the Kingdom of God—including the parables of the weeds, the sower, and the rich fool.
“As we’ve studied these parables together,” says the DME’s director, Molly Wiebe Faber, “we’ve found that in Jesus’ words about the Kingdom, there are some deep challenges as well as great promises. It’s been exciting to dive into these stories as an ensemble.”
Wiebe Faber, who is also an assistant professor of theatre at Northwestern, works with a group of 10 students that consists of nine actors and one stage manager. The actors will be dressed simply, in jeans and black T-shirts, and employ costume pieces like vests, jackets, scarves and hats to transform from character to character—or character to narrator.
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Regarded as one of the best Christian college theatre programs in the country, Northwestern’s theatre department features a collaborative, excellence-oriented environment committed to helping students develop their creative gifts for service in God’s kingdom. Study with Northwestern’s award-winning faculty in the outstanding facilities of DeWitt Theatre Arts Center.