Drama Ministries Ensemble to tour

Northwestern College’s nine-member Drama Ministries Ensemble (DME) will perform stories from the Old Testament in Iowa, Illinois and Michigan Feb. 27 through March 9, during the college’s spring break. Visit www.nwciowa.edu/theatre-tour  for performance times and details.

In addition to staging the tragedy of the first brothers, Cain and Abel, the DME actors will also perform more of the Old Testament’s most dramatic accounts such as the binding of Isaac by his father Abraham, the killing of Goliath, and Daniel’s survival of the fiery furnace. Each drama is scripted directly from Scripture.

The scripting and performance of the dramas is part of the Ancient Hebrew Drama Project, led by Northwestern theatre professor and DME director Jeff Barker and Dr. Tom Boogaart, professor of Old Testament studies at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Mich. Barker and Boogaart are co-authoring a book tentatively titled “Sarah Laughs Again: The Rebirth of Ancient Biblical Drama.” The Old Testament story of Sarah’s skeptical, humorous response to becoming pregnant will also be performed by the DME.

The Drama Ministries Ensemble touring theatre company has performed in Ethiopia and Japan and across the United States.  
