Author to speak in chapel service

Jennifer Dukes Lee, author of “Love Idol: Letting Go of Your Need for Approval—and Seeing Yourself Through God’s Eyes,” will speak in Northwestern College’s chapel service on Monday, Oct. 27, at 10:05 a.m. The event is free and open to the public.

Lee began her writing career as a journalist covering crime, politics and natural disasters, and worked for the Des Moines Register and Omaha World-Herald. Now residing with her family on a farm outside Inwood, Iowa, she blogs about faith and life at, writes for DaySpring’s (In)courage blog and is an editor for Last March, Tyndale House Publishers released her first book, “Love Idol.” In the book Lee shares her journey of learning to rely on the unconditional love of God and invites readers to make peace with their imperfections rather than constantly seek the approval of others.

In her chapel speech, Lee will address the main themes of her book. “I will zero in on the issues of approval-seeking and people-pleasing,” says Lee. “No matter where we’re at in life, we often find ourselves striving hard to find value and self-worth through our accomplishments, whether that’s in a college classroom, in our relationships or in search of our first job.”

Lee will speak as part of the Ronald R. Nelson Scholars and Artists in Residence Program, which seeks to inspire students with scholarship that reflects a vision of peace and justice. The program is named in honor of Ron Nelson, a history professor who served at Northwestern College from 1974 until his death in 1985.
