Donors contribute record amount

Northwestern College closed the books on the 2012–13 fiscal year with gifts totaling a record $1.16 million to the Northwestern Fund.

Almost $500,000 was contributed in June alone. The new Northwestern Fund total surpasses last year’s fundraising of annual gifts by $96,000.

Jay Wielenga, vice president for advancement, commended the college’s supporters: “Our givers are meaningfully invested in our students and this community,” he said. “They gave a record amount to the Northwestern Fund while also completing donations that built the learning commons and renovated student fitness facilities.”

Northwestern is also celebrating the culmination of the Imagine Campaign, which raised more than $47 million for student scholarships, renovation of the Rowenhorst Student Center and DeWitt Fitness Center, and construction of the Jack and Mary DeWitt Learning Commons.

The learning commons will be dedicated on Sept. 27 during the college’s Raider Days homecoming celebration.
