Public relations office wins awards

Northwestern College’s public relations office has won two awards in the 2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) District Six awards competition.

Northwestern won a gold award in the Print Periodical Publishing Improvement: Tabloid and Newsletter Publishing category for its admissions newsletter. The publication, coordinated by Associate Director of Public Relations Anita Cirulis, was given a new name and look, with design by freelance artists Roy Trevino of Williamsburg, Iowa, and Carmen Dyar of Sioux Falls. The piece was designed to coordinate with other recruiting publications, feature brief stories and many photos, and highlight a large photo and story introductions on the outer panel to draw readers inside.

Northwestern’s Imagine Campaign brochure received a silver award in the Individual Fundraising Publications: Case Statements/General Cultivation category. All of the other awards in that category were won by the University of Kansas.

Northwestern’s brochure, written by Associate Director of Public Relations Tamara Fynaardt and designed by freelance artist Ryan James of Upland, Ind., was mailed to constituents who hadn’t yet made a gift to the campaign. It helped to raise more than $2 million for the campaign in the first six months of 2012. In all, over $41 million has been donated to the campaign, including more than $12 million for the campaign’s centerpiece, the learning commons, which will be completed next summer.

Council for Advancement and Support of Education is an association for professionals who work in alumni relations, communications, fundraising, marketing and allied areas at educational institutions. District Six includes colleges, universities and independent schools in Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming.
