Board approves master plan
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Members of Northwestern College’s Board of Trustees, gathered for their fall meeting on Oct. 4 and 5, approved a new campus master plan as presented in concept.
In response to the college’s new strategic plan, the master plan identifies building priorities and locations for continued campus growth. Staff from Credo Higher Education, a consulting firm that serves private colleges and universities, have been working with Northwestern officials on the master plan for almost a year. The process included discussions with various campus constituencies and a board retreat in January.
The master plan calls for building a new facility for the natural and health sciences; repurposing Ramaker Library and portions of Van Peursem Hall that will be vacated when the learning commons is finished next summer; and completing renovation of the Rowenhorst Student Center, including enhancements to the fitness center. Among the other components of the master plan are future additions for student housing and plans for campus beautification.
“The new master plan will really help us focus on our key strategic initiatives, allowing us to best leverage the strengths of our campus in both the short- and long-term to help us accomplish our mission,” says President Greg Christy. “The plan will enable us to take advantage of our beautiful campus and make it both more attractive and functional for current and future students.”