Recruiting publications win award in national contest
Monday, March 5, 2012
A set of recruiting publications for Northwestern College has been selected as a winner in a national competition. The pieces won an award of merit in the Higher Education Marketing Report’s 27th annual advertising awards contest.

The publications included a viewbook, search piece and college fair piece developed by Northwestern in partnership with Stamats Communications of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, last summer. The series also included postcards, posters, and brochures for academics, athletics, campus life, faith, financial aid, the fine arts and graduate success, produced by the public relations office with assistance from freelance designers.
The Higher Education Marketing Report recognition is the second award received for the recruiting publications. In January, the series won a silver award in the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) District Six awards competition.
Higher Education Marketing Report is a monthly magazine covering the marketing strategies and admissions procedures of colleges, universities and schools. It sponsors the nation’s largest educational advertising awards competition, with over 2,900 entries received from more than 1,000 institutions.
Northwestern’s marketing efforts have been honored by the magazine six consecutive years. Last year, Northwestern’s website received an award of merit. In 2010, the college received a bronze award for its admissions viewbook. The college’s admissions DVD won a gold award in 2009. A series of postcards for parents of prospective students, a magazine ad, and a billboard ad were recognized in 2008. An admissions publication was honored in 2007.