Eighteen students volunteer for summer missions
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Eighteen Northwestern College students are members of the college’s Summer of Service (SOS) team. They will spend at least six weeks volunteering as short-term missionaries in 14 countries: Cameroon, Fiji, Ghana, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Moldova, Papua New Guinea, Romania, Trinidad, Uganda, Ukraine and the United States.
The students—whose majors range from accounting to history to nursing—will assist pastors, physicians, teachers and other missionaries in churches, hospitals, orphanages and refugee camps. They will teach English, care for AIDS orphans, lead worship, administer microfinance loans, and deliver community health programs with ministries such as Africa Inland Mission, the Luke Society, Pioneers and Wycliffe.
Since 1981, Northwestern College’s SOS program has challenged, prepared and encouraged students to be effective Christian servants around the world. Team members raise their own funds through the support of family, friends and their churches. This year’s SOS team is raising $64,500.