Students receive study-abroad scholarships

Two Northwestern College students—Tyler McKenney, a junior science education major from Inwood, Iowa, and Kameron Toews, a junior cinema and digital video major from Kadoka, S.D.—have received Benjamin Gilman International Scholarships to enable their participation in the college’s Oman Semester during the spring semester.

The scholarship program provides grants for undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens planning to pursue academic studies abroad. Such international study is intended to better prepare U.S. students to assume significant roles in an increasingly global economy and interdependent world. Recipients are chosen by a competitive selection process which considers factors such as academic standing and financial need. The congressionally funded program is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the Department of State and is administered by the Institute of International Education. 

Over 850 students were selected to receive Gilman Scholarships for spring 2011, out of 2,900 applicants. The average award is approximately $4,000.

McKenney and Toews are among six students who will study in Northwestern’s inaugural Oman Semester January through May.
