Stokes speaks at rural social work conference

Valerie Stokes, assistant professor of social work at Northwestern College, presented a paper at the Rural Social Work Conference in Duluth, Minn., July 26-28. Based on the study of one small rural Midwest community, the presentation provided information on how to develop a comprehensive needs assessment plan to understand community attitudes, perceptions, and knowledge of issues related to immigration, particularly Latino.

The presentation, “Northwest Iowa Community Needs Assessment on Immigration: Issues in a Small Community,” reviewed the research of a multimodal needs assessment, including development of a county focus group discussion on a series of immigration issues, key informant interviews, purposive sample group of Latina women, and a random telephone attitudinal survey of the area, as well as a final public issues brown bag lunch forum.

Stokes talked about developing a comprehensive needs assessment plan in rural communities regarding immigration issues, community assessment tools for macro social work and human services practice in rural areas, and participatory strategic planning in small rural communities on issues of immigration.